C (programming language)
The C programming language is a computer programming language developed in the early 1970s by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie at Bell Labs.They used it to improve the UNIX operating system is still much used today. C is a procedural language, which means that people write their programs as a series of step-by-step instructions. ...
C Sharp (programming language)
During the development of the Framework, the class libraries were originally written using a managed code compiler system named Simple Managed C (SMC).[22] [23] In January 1999, Anders Hejlsberg formed a team to build a new language at the time called Cool, which stood for "C-like Object Oriented Language". [24] ...
El nombre de Cicerón en latín clásico se decía /kikero/. En latín clásico, al contrario que en español y en las otras lenguas romances actuales, la C se pronunciaba con el mismo sonido ante todas las vocales: el de una oclusiva velar sorda (/k/), por lo que las sílabas "ce" y "ci" se pronunciaban tal como pronunciamos "que" y "qui". ...
C (lenguaje de programación)
C es un lenguaje de programación de propósito general [2] : 1 originalmente desarrollado por Dennis Ritchie entre 1969 y 1972 en los Laboratorios Bell, [1] como evolución del anterior lenguaje B, a su vez basado en BCPL. [2] : 1 [3] [4] Al igual que B, es un lenguaje orientado a la implementación de sistemas operativos; concretamente Unix.
Ç – Wikipedia
Ç (kleingeschrieben: ç) ist der lateinische Buchstabe C mit Cedille. Im Internationalen Phonetischen Alphabet (IPA) wird das ç als phonetisches Zeichen [ç] für einen stimmlosen palatalen Frikativ verwendet, also für ein ch wie in ich. Das Ç wird in den Orthografien einiger Sprachen als Variante des C verwendet, wo dieses vor a, o und u oder am …
Bitwise operations in C
In the C programming language, operations can be performed on a bit level using bitwise operators.Bitwise operations are contrasted by byte-level operations which characterize the bitwise operators'' logical counterparts, the AND, OR, NOT operators. Instead of ...
Ç — Wikipédia
Le ‹ ç › permet d''indiquer le son /s/, là où un simple ‹ c › aurait représenté le son /k/ (principalement avant ‹ a ›, ‹ o ›, ‹ u › ou à la fin d''un mot) dans les langues suivantes : Catalan (ce trencada, c''est-à-dire « c brisé ») : parmi les exemples, torçat « tordu », açò « ceci », França « France », braç « bras », falç « faucille », voraç ...
C syntax
The C programming language represents numbers in three forms: integral, real and complex.This distinction reflects similar distinctions in the instruction set architecture of most central processing units tegral data types store numbers in the set of integers, while real and complex numbers represent numbers (or pair of numbers) in the set of real numbers …
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